Our Bestsellers

Discover the latest watch bestsellers of Jacques Lemans.

Jacques Lemans BVB Watch in BVB Football Soccer Stadion

Borussia Dortmund Collection

In colla­boration with Borussia Dortmund, we proudly present our exclu­sive watch collec­tion that captures the spirit of the team, the club, and its loyal fans. This unique collec­tion combines the unmis­takable passion and energy of BVB with the outstan­ding qua­lity and preci­sion that Jacques Lemans is known for.

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Signed Tobias Moretti Autograph Card

Let’s celebrate the exclusive partnership with Tobias Moretti! Get your limited, personally signed autograph card from our Tobias Moretti Favourites Collection starting now – while stocks last!

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Celebrate in Style

This Christmas, choose Jacques Lemans to complete your holiday look or surprise your loved ones with a gift that speaks of grace and style.

Jacques Lemans x Tobias Moretti

Tobias Moretti, a cele­brated name in the German-speaking film industry, is now the face of Jacques Lemans. Known for his iconic roles and charis­matic presence, Tobias perfe­ctly embo­dies the elegance, preci­sion, and time­less style that define our brand.

Jacques Lemans BVB Watch in BVB Football Soccer Stadion
Jacques Lemans x Borussia Dortmund

We are thril­led to annou­­nce our newest collab­­oration with one of the world’s most iconic foot­­ball clubs: Borussia Dortmund. Toge­ther, we proudly present the Borussia Dortmund Collec­tion, captu­­ring the essence of the club, its spirit and its loyal fans.

